Art Deco, the art design movement developed in 1925 till 1940, greatly affected decorative arts , such s graphic arts, visual art, and more. As a part of decorative art and a part of design, furniture was greatly influenced by Art Deco . Opposing to Art Nouveau which had carving lines and floral motifs , Deco embraced simplicity and beauty of efficiency rather the decoration. It led to the formation of a"New design-philosophy", having its main elements influenced by the "machine". Most famous and advanced designers in the 1930's such as Pierre Charear and Rene Herbst (along with architects and designers formed the Union des Artistes Modernes.), became anti-past style and anti-ornament. Indeed , in favor for the machine and the "beautiful in the useful"
Rene Herbst - Shadow Chair 1928, nickel-plated steel tube and elastic rubber cord.
However, this did lead to more innovations: the French designer Le Corbusier and his associates ( who where considerd the pioneers of "design") used massively more material as steel and aluminum , glass, and plain though leathers , to form stackable and transformable furniture ( which is very common the the 21st century).
Moreover, it is said that Art Deco started in 1925 because of the Paris Exposition des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, the show that year gave Art Deco its name.
Le Corbustier
Considered as one of the more aristocratic of Deco designers was Ruhlman . He produced superb work with furniture that has the same equivalence of the french court designers of the eighteenth century , specially with cabinet markers such as Reisner. In decorating he undertook a unique, new , and individual style with color-schemes. Unlike vivid colors usually used in Art Nouveau, he was interested in the harmonies of black and gold, grey and silver, brown and white. This will dramatically change the look of a room the piece of furniture is in, because it gives it a fresh modern look.
Ruhlman, CB130 Macassar ebony, gilded wood, ivory, mohagany.
Macassare ebony,ivory, tortoiseshe, Elm burl
Art Deco has established itself with the different designers embracing it in their art. It is a new type of art , which had its own business and production . Indeed, it expanded and got popularized for a wider range of clientele. Department stores had workshop of their own to create the same famous designs , and techniques for cheaper.
Designers like Pierre Legrain , preferring to design table, and cabinet lacque more then cabinets, was inspired by African models . He was more interested in original, simple, and elegant furniture using pale sycamore and chrome.
Pierre Legrain, Chair wood, bars and iron tacks.
Deco is evidently very inspiring to many artists and designers, which use it not only to make furniture or different type of artwork , but to express themselves. Like every genre of art and style it sets its own mood, that leads to feeling the comfort and influence of design on us.
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